These virtual races have been designed for running in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals who choose to make use of the resources on this website take full responsibility for their own safety (routes, hazards, weather conditions, personal safety etc.) and compliance with the latest government guidance.


Elevation (total climb)277m
Dates run17th-31st August 2020
Race designerJane Boden
Link to event on facebookNA


Basically a checkpoint-driven route from Charnock, near Sheffield’s outer ringroad. The checkpoints can be visited in any order


The route shown is just a suggestion.

Download file for GPS

The checkpoints are shown on the maps above, and also on the route card on this version

Route Guides

Strava Links

No special segments on this race.


Everyone else gets a percentage – if the winning time is 1 hour and you take 2 hours, you get 25 points. Bonus 10 points for collecting litter either on your race or a recce.

This race is now closed – you can still run it for fun.


Fastest woman – Helen Dale 1:00:29 Fastest time – Matt Ritchie 00:54:18.

All Time Course Personal Bests (PBs)

You can still submit your time to this website if you’d like to see your time recorded alongside everyone else’s – use the link in the right-hand sidebar. If you’ve run this course as part of the NTCLCGP race series your time should already be there.


See all the photos from this race in our flickr group here